B-s1, d0 for all your needs
Thanks to a certified, durable and environmentally friendly product, we can offer fire impregnation for all situations.
Exterior fire protection
With cover painting, our fire protection achieves local standards for fire and long-term resistance
Interior fire protection
Thanks to an environmentally friendly product, our fire protection is well suited for indoor environments.
Painting and fire protection
We offer CE-certified painting with maintained fire class - of course with full documentation.
We offer painting after fire impregnation via experienced partners
Thanks to our partners in industrial painting, we can offer CE-certified painting after our fire impregnation. This means that you can guarantee the fire class with full documentation, regardless of the desired color.
Fire protection for an exterior environment
A good fire protection must work in all environments, especially exteriors where the stress is greatest. The challenge with exterior fire protection is that the fire class must be maintained over time, and not affect the visuals. Therefore, at NTL, we always recommend topcoating to achieve local requirements for long-term durability.
With coating, our fire protection achieves local standards for long-term durability
Maintenance schedules
Fire impregnation provides fire protection with deep penetration through the wood. This means topcoat maintenance schedules are provided to maintain fire protection over time, giving you peace of mind as a retailer.
Minimal visual impact on wood
We use a transparent liquid with minimal impact on the original appearance of the wood.
Fire protection in an interior environment
The increasing trend of visible wood used in interior environments places higher demands on fire protection. To avoid covering wood with, for example, gypsum boards, fire impregnation can be a great alternative. Unlike exterior protection, however, the interior environment places high demands on smoke development and its toxicity levels (VOC).
Fire impregnation that achieves B-s1, d0 enables visible wood for interior use without any covering materials like gypsum boards.
Environmentally friendly
Our product enables re-use and recycling of timber products after achieved life span and has low emission values (TVOC)
In contrast to a surface fire treatment, fire impregnation enables sawing, cutting and wear & tear of the wood without affecting the fire protection.
Painting or laquer after fire impregnation
A valid fire classification must also include the painted or laquered surface layer. Therefore, fire tests of the final product, including treatment, are always required.
Fire classification with color and laquer
Thanks to fire tests performed on painted, fire-impregnated wood, we have fire classifications for painting or laquering with most paint manufacturers.
Painted durability
Since the combination of the fire protected wood and paint is classified, the fire class will be maintained over time by just following the maintenance scheme for the paint.
Easy to paint
Our fire impregnation allows for painting afterwards. This is due to the natural surface of the wood not changing.
We often encounter similar questions from customers and partners. We have therefore collected all the most common ones below. If you do not find what you are looking for - please just ask us and we will respond quickly!